
WeConnect International current offers for our ...

Confidential Waste Disposal One of the WEConnect International corporate members has a requirement in Nottingham for the disposal of a large amount of confidential waste (from their HR department and...

WeConnect International current offers for our ...

Confidential Waste Disposal One of the WEConnect International corporate members has a requirement in Nottingham for the disposal of a large amount of confidential waste (from their HR department and...


Genanalytics - tracking may become compulsory f...

Professor Lesley Sawers gave attendees at dinner at Cromlix a great insight into the need for tracking of the number of employees by gender in future and how Genanalytics will...

Genanalytics - tracking may become compulsory f...

Professor Lesley Sawers gave attendees at dinner at Cromlix a great insight into the need for tracking of the number of employees by gender in future and how Genanalytics will...

BAWE Scotland director training

Negotiating with difficult people

A group of ladies were allowed access to the RBS Boardroom in St Andrews Square and treated to a wonderful half day of director training with Meena Karawadhra. Buffet lunch...

Negotiating with difficult people

A group of ladies were allowed access to the RBS Boardroom in St Andrews Square and treated to a wonderful half day of director training with Meena Karawadhra. Buffet lunch...

BAWE Scotland and Judy Murray

Judy Murray and a load of BAWES

OR when women entrepreneurs of Scotland met the Queen of British tennis, Judy Murray. The time? International Women’s Day 2016. The place? Cromlix House in Perthshire, Andy Murray’s country house...

Judy Murray and a load of BAWES

OR when women entrepreneurs of Scotland met the Queen of British tennis, Judy Murray. The time? International Women’s Day 2016. The place? Cromlix House in Perthshire, Andy Murray’s country house...

Gleneagles visit BAWE Scotland

Members Gleneagles Hotel back of house tour and...

In January the members had a privileged tour of the back inner workings of Gleneagles Hotel in Perthshire. Patricia Geddes was kind enough to give a full tour of the...

Members Gleneagles Hotel back of house tour and...

In January the members had a privileged tour of the back inner workings of Gleneagles Hotel in Perthshire. Patricia Geddes was kind enough to give a full tour of the...

Carol Smillie, Ann-Maree Morrison and BAWE Scotland entrepreneurs

Christmas Celebration with Carol Smillie talkin...

At the Christmas meeting at 1 Devonshire Gardens, Glasgow, we had the pleasure of a great question and answer session with Carol Smillie or Carol Smillie gave a great...

Christmas Celebration with Carol Smillie talkin...

At the Christmas meeting at 1 Devonshire Gardens, Glasgow, we had the pleasure of a great question and answer session with Carol Smillie or Carol Smillie gave a great...